Just-In-Time Sailing

Reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions every port call

As global consumption grows, so does the impact of the logistics chain on the environment. Do we have a choice to not take action? Most certainly not. In a business as usual scenario from 2018 levels, emissions from shipping in 2050 are projected to be 90-130% of 2008 levels. So, we need to take action, and we need to do it together fast!

Most of the initiatives towards ‘Green Shipping’ focus primarily on vessel design and alternative fuels. While these solutions are probably, the only way to completely reduce shipping related GHG emissions, they are also the most costly, time-consuming, and hardest technologies to implement, considering the global fleet of over 100.000 vessels that would need to be refitted or renewed. More immediate results can be achieved through Just in Time sailing.

In this e-book, we explain how to release the benefits of Just in Time sailing and play your part in shipping decarbonization.

After reading the e-book, you will know:

  • Why should the shipping industry step up its game and focus more on reducing its carbon footprint?
  • How Just in Time sailing can contribute to decarbonization targets?
  • What are the key advantages of Just in Time arrivals for the various stakeholders involved, beyond the environmental benefits?
  • How to achieve Just in Time arrivals?

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